6th Grade Confirmation
Approximately 5 years ago, the Archbishop chose to shift the age of Confirmation from high school to 6th grade. As such, all of our youth should be enrolled in our Confirmation program at the beginning of their sixth grade year.
As a further reminder, Confirmation IS NOT a form of graduation or completion of catechesis.
After 6th Grade
Special arrangements need to be made through the Director of Religious Education, case by case.
We do understand if you have recently moved from out of state or you might have been away from the Church for a while. We will try to work with you in reconciling this situation.
Likely, most every solution will have to start around the beginning of the school's academic year (ie: August or September).
Adult Confirmation
OCIA, the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (formerly RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults), is the approximately eight month program, which surveys the Catechism of the Catholic Church to prepare the candidate (already validly baptized) or the catechumen (not yet validly baptized) to understand well the faith that is being affirmed.
The initial stage is to contact the OCIA director, Elizabeth Simpson. In a brief meeting, she will go over the process and fill out the registration.
The Initiation will take place at the annual celebration of the Easter Vigil.
The classes are normally on Wednesday nights. They run from September until May.
Confirmation for unbaptized
After the age of seven years old, having reached the age of reason, the child must be prepared to answer for himself/herself. As such, special arrangements must be made. Contact the office to talk options.
Choosing a sponsor (godparent) for your confirmation is important.
There is one possibility for sponsor according to the Code of Canon Law:
One sponsor, though laudable to be one of the baptismal sponsors
Sponsors must meet the following qualifications:
Be at least 16 years of age
Have received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist
Be a practicing member in good standing in their Catholic parish or church community; model of faith
Have sent an official letter from the pastor of their Catholic parish or church stating that they are a member in good standing and lead a life in harmony with the faith and role they will be undertaking
Not be the child's parents
Important Steps
Contact the office
Make sure you are registered in the parish
If the sponsor is parishioners here, make sure that he/she is registered.
Make sure to be enrolled in either RE or OCIA confirmation class
Ensure that the sponsor's letter of endorsement from pastor is in the office and on file, along with a baptismal certification for the confirmand.