Carnival Games Registration

Bible Trivia Registration

Maximum of 32 teams, maximum 4 players per team, single elimination, from 2:30-5 pm Oct. 5th 2024, round’s max time is 12 min, all other rules will be available soon, cost per team is $25 at registration, turn in this form and fee to St. Benedict office during office hours, registrations will be taken until 15 mins before the event or whenever the bracket is full.  You can also register online here.  

Cornhole Registration

Maximum of 32 teams, maximum 2 players per team, single elimination, from 2:30-5 pm Oct. 5th 2024, round’s max time is 30 min, all other rules will be available at, cost per team is $25 at registration, turn in this form and fee to St. Benedict office during office hours, registrations will be taken until 15 mins before the event or whenever the bracket is full.  You can also register online here.